Disclaimer: None of these craft ideas are created by me. I’m just giving links to ideas that I think you would be interested in. So excuse the overuse of links. I’m trying to adhere to copyright laws.
If you’re like me, you don’t like to just throw anything away. You might even enjoy making a craft or two in your spare time.
Being that Yuuki just started eating solid food, I thought I would post a few links to some adorable and creative crafts using baby food jars.
This first one caught my eye immediately with how adorable it is. It would be a good craft to use in the nursery or perhaps the bathroom for when you have to get up in the middle of the night.
Here’s a link to the main page if you like this idea: http://www.make-your-own-baby-stuff.com/index.html
This baby food jar garden would be a great way to spruce up a room or office.
Their main page is http://funschool.kaboose.com/index.html
This one will probably take a bit to find the materials for, as most were salvaged or recycled. I’m sure this baby food chandelier could be modified as well for a simpler look. http://www.naturalhomemagazine.com/Homemade-Home-Decor/Baby-Food-Chandelier.aspx
Main page: http://www.naturalhomemagazine.com/
These hanging jar lanterns would make a nice touch for a porch when it starts getting darker outside. The creators are from Crafty Nest, and you can look here: http://www.craftynest.com/ for more ideas if you like this one.
Now, for those who use formula, this site has a lot of great ideas for what you can do with the used cans other than throwing them out. http://rappleyefam.blogspot.com/2008/03/formula-cans-easy-pull-macgyver.html
The main page is http://rappleyefam.blogspot.com/. I looked through the site a bit, and they have some really cute craft ideas. The links are on the right side of the page.
Another great page is http://firefliesandjellybeans.blogspot.com/2009/09/4-ways-to-reuse-your-formula-can.html.
Main page is: http://firefliesandjellybeans.blogspot.com/
These are just a few ideas of what you can do with your leftover baby food jars and formula cans. If none of these appeal to you, you can always Google image baby food jar crafts or formula can crafts and take a look around. That’s how I spotted most of the crafts that I linked on this page.
These are such fantastic, creative ideas! love the linkups. Thanks for getting my creative juices going! :)