As I'm sure that most of my Facebook friends are getting tired of me posting about my daughter constantly, I thought I would write a blog entry instead. I need to start writing on here again anyway.
Yuuki turned 1 a month ago, which is amazing in itself. It's so nice to say she's 1 as opposed to 11 months or the like. It's much simpler. Of course, saying that she's 1 in conversation brings up an entirely new set of questions.
One of the main questions asked is if she's walking yet, which she is not. She can pull up and cruise just fine, but she has little desire to let go with both hands (though she will at times).
On Monday, June 11th, she took her first unassisted step. Yes, I said step. She hasn't taken unassisted steps since. Of course, this could be because at the time, she was going after her daddy's candy granola bar, but that's beside the point. J
My daughter is the master of doing something once and then not do it again for months. She seems to feel that doing something once is enough to prove that she can do it, and she's in the clear for another month or so. It was the same way with rolling over and saying certain words.
It's both an exciting and irritating at the same time. On one hand, it makes it very exciting when she does do something. For instance, when I can get her to stand up for a few seconds at a time, or when she lets go on her own and stands for about ten seconds, which is what happened just a day or two ago.
A weird thing with all this though, is that I never thought I would be that mom that would swoon over every little thing that my children do. Yet, I find myself clapping and hugging and talking in an overly high squeaky voice whenever she does something new. It’s remarkable really, the things you thought you would never do, and when you do those things, you really don’t care. You know, other than being embarrassed that somebody might have heard you. In case it’s not obvious, I embarrass easily.
It’s amazing what babies can do in such a short period of time. Just a few months ago she wasn’t saying ‘uh-oh’ or know the names of certain toys. Now when you tell her to go play with Phineas and Ferb, which was the theme of her birthday party and one of my favorite shows, half of the time she’ll go find them and play with them, you know, if she wants to. J She also knows who Elmo is and tries to get him to make the kissing noises.
She mimics myself and my husband a lot as well. She’s starting to realize how to use the pretend stethoscope that she got from her aunt, though she tries to put it over her head instead of in her ears and the thermometer she’ll stick in any mouth that she can find.
She really is turning into a big girl. In fact, my husband and I call her a big girl now as opposed to a little one. When you look at her from birth until now, it’s truly astonishing.
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