Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Lucky in Pregnancy

This is just going to be a little post about what symptoms I dealt with during pregnancy, both good and bad.

1) I didn’t have swelling of the hands and feet. I wore my wedding rings until the day I gave birth.

2) I did not have gestational diabetes.

3) I was able to wear most of my normal clothes throughout pregnancy.

4) This doesn’t really count, but one of my cravings was chocolate.

5) Near the end of my pregnancy, I could eat tons of food. I once ate five pieces of french toast for a single meal.


1) My blood type is 0-, so I had to have a Rho-GAM shot. It didn’t hurt, but the fact that I had to have it bothered me a bit. Basically, it means that your body might see your baby’s blood as intruders and attack it. It’s a scary thought.

2) I ended up testing positive for Group B Strep. I don’t even fully understand it, but the fact that I would need the medicine four hours before I gave birth helped me decide to be induced.

3) I do have stretch marks from pregnancy. For a long time, it looked like I would miss out (hahaha) on them, but in the final weeks, they appeared.

4) I did have morning sickness the first trimester. The very sight of pizza, even on TV, made me sick. Luckily, this passed and I was able to have pizza later on in pregnancy.

5) I had to have stitches after delivery.

Basically, this is to say that every pregnancy is different. Some woman won’t have to deal with morning sickness at all, or will have it a lot worse. Some women don’t need the Rho-GAM shot or will test positive for GBS. Some women won’t have any stretch marks. Some women won’t be able to wear rings on their fingers during pregnancy. Some women won’t have to get stitches when they deliver.

However your experiences are or will be, it will be different from anyone else’s experience. My next pregnancy, hopefully five years away, might leave me with none of these same symptoms (except for the stretch marks, those won’t go away).

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